Wednesday, November 5, 2008


There are some things in this world that I don't understand. Some of those things I could care less about. Like politics and theatre and whatnot. But other things, I can't help but wonder about. Where did we come from? Why are we here? Can you really buy pizza over eBay?

But what I'm most curious about in this world is why people feel the need to ridicule and judge people because of their beliefs or their personality or how they function or their likes and dislikes. I makes no sense to me whatsoever.

I've addressed this topic in my blog before, and I just had a conversation with my good friend Alexis over Facebook (and Vicki earlier today), I think it's appropriate to dedicate a blog entry to it. It's a pretty serious topic, in my mind.

But before I continue, I'm not talking about anyone specifically. I'm talking about people in general. So please don't take offense to what I'm about to say. I hope you all read this and learn something.

But I digress. Judging people. Prejudice, if you will. The concept never ceases to amaze me.

I'd like to first talk about the victims of judgement. Why the hell should you care what other people think? Why should you hide a part of you because of the fear of how society will look at you? If you feel a certain way, or believe in something, or like something, or hate something, you should share it with the world! What's the point in hiding it? You're only lying to yourself and those around you.

I like Twilight. I like Harry Potter. I like Hannah Montana. I like kids shows. I like Dora the Explorer and Blue Clues. I only watch cartoons. I hate politics and think politicians are a bunch of liars. If I had to chose a side, I suppose that I'd be a Democrat. I'm a Christian. I believe in God and Jesus and that there's a heaven and a hell. I believe that love should be for everyone, and that everyone has the right to love whoever they want to. I believe that America is not as free as everyone thinks. 

These are just some of the things that I feel and express on a daily basis. And I find it shocking that people take the time and energy to say mean things and treat me differently just because of that. People all think differently. We behave differently. We like different things. If we were all the same and conformed to what society wants us to be, we'd all be like Barbie and Ken dolls stashed away in a drawer *totally didn't steal that from Tyler*

If you like something, awesome! Tell people! If they judge you because of that, maybe you should go hang out with different people. Friends and people of the human race should like each other for who they are. Being mean to someone because of that is just wrong. You strip away their independence and what makes them human.

So the next time you see someone cheering for McCain, gushing over the latest Twilight movie update, singing a Miley Cyrus song, telling someone how much they love Brittany Spears, sharing their love of Christ, or even wearing a Barney T-shirt, think twice about what's going on inside of your brain. Everyone has their own opinion, that's fine. Sharing that opinion is fine. But ridiculing someone else for having and sharing their opinion is not.

Shame on you.


Quote: "It's like a funky mohawk disaster!" ~ me in film production (we were looking at old Dreyfoos yearbook and this kid had the most epic fail mohawk I've ever seen)
Song: "Dream" by DHT (this song talks about everything that's wrong in the world and how humans are screwing it up little by little. Thought it was appropriate)