Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Inauguration of Barack Hussein Obama II from the Perspective of Someone Who Knows Nothing About Politics (and some other stuff)

What a proper setting. History class. 

The screen at the front of the room displays the scene at Washington DC during a cold morning on January 20, 2009. The camera zooms out to reveal the massive crowd that have gathered together to view this quadrennial event. Thunderous applause reverberates throughout not just the nation's capital, but through every body sitting in that room. Through our chests, our ribs, and into our hearts. 

Our eyes were glued to the screen as the face of the new leader of our country came into view. The applause got even louder, if that was possible. Our ears tuned into his voice as the first words spilled from his mouth: "My fellow citizens". What rolls from his tongue this day is not boastful about how with his hand, we will rise from the rubble we have created. Quite the contrary, he speaks of how we as a country, can work together to right the wrongs that have befallen us. 

More applause. And this time, it was from the room around me, including my own hands.

When the National Anthem was sung, I felt my body rise along with my fellow classmates. Our hands floated over our hearts and we sung along under our breaths. On this day, we all feel proud to be called Americans once again.


I feel amazed at how so much history has happened during my lifetime. The beginning of the new millennium. September 11, 2001, a day that we will never forget. The creation of the world's most advanced technology. The introduction of cars that no longer need precious natural resources to run. And now, today, the inauguration of the 44th president of the United States. I feel so blessed to live in this country today. Usually I don't give a crap about politics, but today I actually felt something. Maybe it was hope. I'm not sure. But I know I was excited today. I still find it remarkable that when Obama was actually elected, I jumped up and down and squealed with delight. May God bless him and this country.


Anyway, on to the daily life of Stefanie. Yesterday was the 10th anniversary marathon for the Powerpuff Girls! (wow, what a transition from the tear-jerking story above!) I feel so old! Has it really been 10 years? It was so much fun to sit there and hear all of those voices that have been gone for so long. And I smiled when I remembered each episode. There was even a new episode! It was really funny and cute, but the animation was so different! It was strange. And they actually made a dramatic chipmunk joke. Really, guys? Really? I REALLY want the DVD now....

Guess what, guys? I might have a job this summer! Hooray! I've been looking for a job for a while. I've wanted a job that I would like. Not just being a bag girl at Publix. Yucky. I tried Books-A-Million, my favorite store EVER, but you have to be 18 to work the register. Bummer. And I tried to find out if there were any anime stores nearby, but the closest one is half an hour away. And then I found the perfect job at the mall! The Sanrio store! That store is so cute, I'd love to work there! Even if I had to stand there for hours! I asked the guy at the counter if he had any job openings. Because of the economy, there aren't any at the moment. But he said they hire for seasonal jobs, and the next one is during summer! So when school gets out, I'll go back and ask for the job! I really need this job too. My mom has to pay for all of my wants and needs, and I want to ease the burden for her. :D

Speaking of money, it's amazing how ungrateful, selfish, and spoiled people can be sometimes. Just be grateful for what you have, ya know? If you're in the lower class, be thankful for what you have! If you're in the middle class, you have a little wiggle room. You could be worse off, and you should be thankful for the things you DO have and not what you don't. If you're in the upper class, realize that there are people that have it worse off than you. If you don't get that new toy or whatever that you've wanted, don't be spoiled and complain about it! Look around! You're on top of the world!

I would say that I'm in the lower middle class. My parents are separated and I live with my mom, who is a preschool teacher. My dad helps out with the bills and stuff, but mostly we're on our own, my mother and I. So we live from pay check to pay check. I'm not trying to be all "woe as me"; I'm grateful for what I have, which is a lot. I have a roof over my head and there's food in the kitchen. I have a lot of nice things and I'm happy that I do. It just makes me sad (and kind of sick) when rich people are snooty and spoiled. Like celebrities or something. They don't NEED 548037683946748962 mansions and 5473689 summer homes. In a way, I wish that we could throw all of our money in one pile and split it up evenly with everyone else. Then everyone would be the same, and you'd be free to do with it as you wish. Like a new start! If you have a good job, then you'll get back the money that you lost. If you don't, you'll have more money to provide for yourself! I hate money. It's the cause of so many problems in today's society.

One more thing! Lots of people put forth effort and do well with their lives. I hate it when other people don't and get the same benefits. It's not very fair.

Well that's it for my rants today! 


Quote: "I thought this was Rock of Love, not Rock of F**k" ~One of the contestants on Rock of Love (HAHAHAHAHA oh, you poor child. He's not looking for love.)
Song: "Sorry" ~ Jonas Brothers (I haven't heard all of this song, but I heard the beginning of it on the bus this morning. I love when they go "I'M SOOOOORRRRYYY" together! It's the perfect song to sing to a boy/girlfriend when you've screwed up)

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