Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Quest for Ouran

She leaped out of the car, grabbing her mom's hand and bounding across the street: looking both ways before crossing, of course. Her mother lagged behind, not sharing in the excitement. The anticipation. She waited outside of the automatic doors, waiting for them to whoosh open and allow her into paradise. Every movement was just too slow.
Finally they opened. Everything was a blur. She raced down the aisles to her destination. It was so close. She could feel it. Success! She skimmed through the titles of the movies in front of her. Alphabetical order. A, B, C, D.....O! Wait. Where was it? It wasn't there. There had to be a mistake.
In the corner of her eye was an angel wearing a blue polo shirt. She raced down the aisle towards him. Hope flooded through her veins. 
And then he was gone. Another desperate soul had taken him away. 
Too much waiting. She ran throughout paradise, searching for the angel in blue. In the tiniest corner, she found him. She told him her quest and he happily agreed to assist her. He went to the back to speak to the god of that realm. 
Here he comes! He's holding something! Could it be? Could it really be?!
YES! The Holy Grail! The fruits of her labor! The object of her being. She raised it above her head in triumph and dragged her mother to the front so that her treasure could be rightfully hers.


So that was the quest for Ouran, ladies and gents. My epic battle through Best Buy to acquire the DVD that I've been waiting 2 years to be released. 

Ouran High School Host Club


But alas, I cannot watch it. At least not tonight. But I will! I WWWWWIIIIILLLLLL HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!


IN OTHER NEWS, Calculus hates me. Optimization? Wtf is that? I don't get it. 

Oh! Halloween is coming up! I'm going to be GIR from Invader Zim, for those of you who don't already know. If you don't know who that is, you're a poopnose. Go die. 
My costume is almost ready. I just need to add some teeny adjustments. I love Halloween! It's my 2nd favorite holiday! My 1st is Christmas, of course. I want to go trick-or-treating, but the friend I usually go with is going to be out of town. Epic fail. Oh well, I was invited to two parties. I dunno which I can go to though...epic fail.

Everyone get your costumes together! If you don't wear a costume, you shall be shunned.
I mean, come on, who DOESN'T dress up on Halloween? That's the whole point. To be someone , or something, that you aren't for one day :D IT'S FUN~


Quote: "Girls should never refer to themselves as a dude! MAMA!!!! Haruhi's using those dirty boy words again!" ~Tamaki from Ouran High School Host Club (can you tell that I love this series?)
Song: Bokura no Love Style ~Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin from Ouran High School Host Club (lol fail, but this is a really cute song. The lyrics are kinda mean though, but it's the twins, come on!)

Friday, October 24, 2008

Epic Failure

So I got inducted into the National Honor Society today.



The inductees were supposed to be called to come to wherever the heck we were supposed to meet over the intercom. Right?
If I hadn't called my mom and asked her what was going on, I would have missed it. I got there just in time. I have no idea how everyone else knew to just go without the announcement...

But before I left, my friend Al was upset because he was told exisiting members couldn't come.
Another epic fail.
They were. Apparently they were told not to come, which was false. None of the existing members (or very few) came so it screwed up the order of peoplez.

The actual auditorium had like, what, two people in it? An exaggeration, but still. It was pretty empty in there. And random kids were there that weren't being inducted;;; Not that that wasn't nice; lots of my friends were there. But it was kinda epic fail

I thought the guest speaker was kinda cool. Until he insulted my art area by saying that films like Spiderman, etc. that are "popular" isn't art. Okay, so people spend YEARS creating scripts, storyboards, and countless hours slaving over editing on those things because it's not ART. Film is art, no matter what label you put on it.

AFTERWARDS, there was a giant mob of people trying to get food at this teeny tiny little table. Fail.

And apparently my mother was the first one there, and they hadn't even marked where the students being inducted were supposed to sit. Fail.

It was a pretty nice ceremony, but loaded with epic failures left and right. I blame poor planning.

But then I went to Books-A-Million afterwards and got a manga and a magazine, so it's all good >:3

EDIT: The people who put the pictures in Anime Insider don't know how to crop/cut a picture properly in Photoshop. It's really not that difficult.


Quote: "Your prince is out there somewhere, waiting for his princess" ~my mommy (this was such an adorable thing that my mom told me after I was crying over a certain something)
Song: "Hare Hare Yukai" ~from the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (I lurve this song. And the dance is pretty pwnage too! Check it out!)

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Broken Heart, the Beach, and Random Hippie Dudes

So I only got 2 people's feedback from my last post. And nothing has changed....thanks guys. Appreciate it.

It's come to my attention that some people are...frustrated that I spend so much time with a certain person. I don't think you have to worry about that anymore, my friend. He's screwed up so many times, there's no way he could feel the same way about me that I feel about him.

So I had a semi-sucky day on Friday. I was supposed to go to Cityplace with said person, but he cancelled on me for like the 5th time. Epic fail.

Not so much though. I stayed after school with Lela, the most awesome person in the world. I went to Cheeburger Cheeburger with her and Tyler. They have this amazing quest to try every milkshake flavor in the store. So I helped. I'm gonna get mono or something, but w/e. You guys know that I'm a germ freak. But I didn't really care at the time :3 We were having super happy fun time.

So then we went back to school and hung out for a a while. Then Tyler left. So Lela suggested going to the beach. Little did I know that the beach was like 5904375483963 miles away. It was a nice walk though, even though my feet were killing me by the time we got back. 

So while we were on our little adventure, we bumped into the most amazing man I have ever met. He was this hippie dude who stopped Lela because she's just that amazing. He told us how he's met all of these awesome people and done so much cool stuff with his life. It was really inspiring how someone like that really exists. He's just one of those weird, artistic weirdos that the world doesn't understand. He really spoke to me :D You never know who you're going to see on the sidewalk! I wish I'd taken a picture of him...oh well...

So we got to the beach and it was GORGEOUS. We saw a cruise ship and it was all lit up and it was sooo pretty! We could even see the city lights from there! I never realized how beautiful the beach looks at night. The water looks so dark and pretty! Lela played around in the waves and I did too near the end. We couldn't stay for very long, but it was nice. So we ran back as fast as we could, cuz our mothers were waiting all the way back at Cityplace. The bridge was like a painting at night. All of the colors blended in with each other and the lights were so brilliant. Wow.

So I got in the car, drenched with sweat, and got some crap from my mother. Which wasn't so bad cuz I cried about my suckish morning and she was all oh nooooes it's okay. So it's all good. Cept not really.

Hope you enjoyed my epic story of epic proportions! :D

Quote: "In essence, it's as though I am the one protecting her. Not you." ~ Kaname Kuran (OMG WHY KANAME?! WHY DID YOU HAVE TO SAY "IN ESSENCE"?!)
Song: "Vampire Club" ~Voltaire (Best. Song. EVAR.)